Life In Plastic, Not Fantastic
Wet Your Whistle Since 17/07/2018

Life In Plastic, Not Fantastic

Trust teapigs to know good tea can’t be made with plastic.

It started with a mission to bring back good quality tea. Now, teapigs is scoring even more brownie points by going completely plastic-free. They premium UK tea company is the first tea brand to be awarded the Plastic-Free Trust Mark by A Plastic Planet.

“Our tea temples have always been biodegradable. Late last year, we switched from a plastic inner bag to a material called Natureflex – it's made from wood pulp so it's 100% plant-based and compostable,” says Louise Cheadle, teapigs’ co-founder and tea taster.

Cheadle, together with business partner Nick Kilby, founded teapigs with the idea to use only whole leaf tea, berries, herbs and even whole spices for the perfect brew. As the whole leaves and herbs have to be handled gently, the pair came up with a special mesh bag to contain their special loose tea mix. Nicknamed the ‘tea temple’, the roomy, biodegradable mesh bags allow more space for the whole leaves and spices to infuse well — all without fuss.

“We’ve always tried to do the right thing and made these greener changes to our packaging as soon as they were available to us despite the increased cost,” shares Cheadle. Recent news that nearly 96% of teabags produced in the United Kingdom contain plastic sparked concern among increasingly environmentally-conscious consumers.

“We’ve had a big wave of concerned customers asking us for more information,” says Cheadle. The Trust Mark, designed to sit clearly on the front of every teapigs’ pack, is the clearest assurance to a consumer that they’re buying green. Never mind if you can’t have your cake and eat it too. With teapigs, you can have your cuppa and drink it — feel-good factor included.

To find out more about teapigs, visit

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